Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Planning of My Contents Page

With my front cover having being finished, I had to carry out research on how my contents page would look .I found this a bit difficult to carry out as there were not a lot of choices of brutish based magazines of this genre as there are only two and I really wanted to ensure that what I did could be identified as a British magazine and not mistaken for an American print out. I looked at RWD magazine AND Hip pop Connection .However I found that RWD was best suited for my target audience.

This was the first RDW contents page I analysed, I found that the use of having four images at the top of the page and then the rest of the text towards the bottom of the page gives the illusion that there is not a lot of text, so therefore the pictures attract my target audience, the next page is an advert which also makes the contents page look even more appealing

This is a second contents page of RWD that I looked at the same alignment has been used, the simple advert to the right on the second page is very inviting and makes the readers feel not to overwhelmed.I have noticed that on the contests page, the four images that have been used within both contests page vary, of a mixture of an image of a male, female, fashion or a group. This shows the readers that there is a variety of things that they will read into that will be interesting to them

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